Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our Children Need To Learn To Code...

(Video) is a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science education by making it available in more schools, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer programming. We believe computer science should be part of the core curriculum in education, alongside other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, such as biology, physics, chemistry and algebra. Our goals include: Bringing Computer Science classes to every K-12 school in the United States, especially in urban and rural neighborhoods. Demonstrating the successful use of online curriculum in public school classrooms. Changing policies in all 50 states to categorize C.S. as part of the math/science "core" curriculum Harnessing the collective power of the tech community to celebrate and grow C.S. education worldwide To increase the representation of women and students of color in the field of Computer Science.

“Here we are, 2013, we ALL depend on technology to communicate, to bank, and none of us know how to read and write code. It's important for these kids, right now, starting at 8 years old, to read and write code."

“An understanding of computer science is becoming increasingly essential in today’s world. Our national competitiveness depends upon our ability to educate our children – and that includes our girls – in this critical field.“

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