B.A.S.I.C. stands for Building A Strong Israelite Child.
As a community we are responsible for ensuring that all our children are firmly rooted in their Israelite Culture. However, this undertaking cannot be done by classroom style instruction alone, but requires a nurturing environment where the messages of the scriptures are reinforced on a daily basis, through multiple stimuli including art, music, and family interaction. Up until now parents and teachers were on their own in trying to figure out how to structure an effective learning program that will help their children not only learn the biblical stories but also understand their relevance in their lives today, while at the same time drowning out the noise of this society which teaches ideals contrary to the scriptures.
The B.A.S.I.C. Workshops serves as a unique opportunity for teachers and parents to come together and learn about the new standards and discuss a wide range of techniques concerning helping our children become firmly grounded in their Israelite Identity.
Seating is limited, and registration is required. To reserve your spot contact the Education Department or IPRIDE (israelitepride@yahoo.com).
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