Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BASIC Standards Workshop #1 - "A Huge Success!"

On December 25, 2013, the Israelite Nation World Wide Ministries (INWWM) hosted the BASIC Standards Workshop #1.  The workshop was facilitated by IPRIDE and was created in order to help both teachers and parents have a better understanding of how to utilize the BASIC Standards in their classrooms and homes.  BASIC stands for Building A Strong Israelite Child.  The first volume of the BASIC Standards was released earlier this year during Passover.  "It was created in order to help parents and teachers accomplish their blessed, yet ever demanding, responsibility of teaching our children and giving them a strong foundation in their Israelite Heritage."

Elder Jeffrey Blair, IPRIDE founder, began the workshop with an overview of how the BASIC Standards were created., and why they are so vitally needed.  He explained that the BASIC Standards are the result of a yearlong collaboration between IPRIDE and the Education Department of the INWWM.  He noted, "Having an International Standard is vital to the continued prosperity of our Nation.  Setting standards are an important and effective learning tool because they express clear expectations of what all Israelite Children, no matter where they are in the world, should know and understand."

Further, Elder Jeffrey demonstrated how the 3 components that make up the BASIC Standards; The BASIC book, The BASIC website (www.israelitechildren.org),  and the BASIC Blog, all work together and how to best utilize each tool in conjunction with one another.

Elaine Belanger-Porter, IPRIDE Consultant,  facilitated the second portion of the workshop entitled: Understanding How We Learn - Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains.  This portion was an energized, hands-on experience, which allowed the participants to gain an appreciation of the 3 learning domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and how they relate to the learning style of Jacob / Israel.  This phase consisted of role playing, small group projects, and game playing.  It was fun, yet educational.  Further, Elaine did a fabulous job of relating the various learning domains back to the BASIC Standards.  Many proclaimed that this was an eye opening experience and that they were anxious to put into practice what they learned here today.

The IPRIDE Board would like to thank the BASIC Committee for their hard work and dedication in making the dream of an international standard a reality.  Further, we would like to thank the Education Department of the INWWM for hosting the workshop.  It was a huge success and we look forward to continually improving what we we started.

Next Steps? The BASIC Standards; Volume II: The Second Cycle Standards - Passover 2015

For more information about the BASIC Standards contact IPRIDE: israelitepride@yahoo.com

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