Parents & Students;
As the summer comes to a close, and a new school year begins, we at IPRIDE would like to wish all of you a very successful and prosperous year. Students, we encourage you to work hard, stay focused, and challenge yourselves to always live up to your very best. Never settle for "just getting by." You will never know your full potential if you do not push beyond your comfort zone. Parents, dive into your students’ school experience. The evidence is consistent and convincing: parent engagement is one of the key factors identified by researchers in high-performing students, and families have a major influence on their child’s achievement in school and through life.
We also would like to take this time to wish God Speed to our youth who have gone away to college/university; Taya, Antoniette, Ciera, Alicia, Josiah, Asher, Chantelle and Christopher. College is a wonderful experience. While in college you should be careful and find a balance between having fun and studying. To be a successful college student you have to balance the two in order to really have a wonderful and fulfilling college career. Most important, always keep the God of Israel first in your life, and know that you have our support every step of the way.
We also wanted to let you know about some of the projects that IPRIDE is working on this school year:
IPRIDE’s 3rd Annual Leadership Honors Awards Applications: Applications for the 3rd Annual IPRIDE Leadership Honors Awards will be available soon. Eligibility for an award will be based upon academic performance during 2013/2014 school year. As part of the nomination process, we are asking all potential nominees to forward their report cards to IPRIDE by February 2014. (Grades will be kept in strict confidence.) Look for more details coming soon.
Please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can better support the Education Department in helping our children strive for Academic Excellence and Cultural Understanding. And, as always, please make sure you keep IPRIDE apprised on all of the happenings in your area (i.e. academic achievements, summer programs, scholarships, awards/acknowledgements, local education news, etc.), as we would love to feature them on the IPRIDE Blog, we look forward to hearing from you.
Have A Great School Year and Let's Make Our Elder and The God of Israel Proud!
The IPRIDE Board
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