Wednesday, August 14, 2013

IPRIDE Congratulates Beginning Swimmers Michal and Levi

This summer Michal (Age 4) and Levi (Age 9) participated in beginner's swim classes at their local community centers. The beginners classes are designed to teach children water adjustment skills, blowing bubbles, submerging, and water safety. 

Michal really enjoyed the class and was excited to attend each week.  Michal will continue her journey of learning to swim this fall when she takes the next level class for her age group.  

Levi also enjoyed his swim classes! While being very hesitant and dreadfully afraid to submerge his head in the water at the beginning of the class, by the end of the 3 week course Levi was fearless and even took those skills he learned and began swimming during his summer vacation at the beach.

Why Don't More Black Americans Swim?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fatal drowning rate of African-American children aged five-14 is three times that of white children. A recent study sponsored by USA Swimming uncovered equally stark statistics. Just under 70% of African-American children surveyed said they had no or low ability to swim. Low ability merely meant they were able to splash around in the shallow end. A further 12% said they could swim but had "taught themselves". The study found 58% of Hispanic children had no or low swimming ability. For white children, the figure was only 42%.

Theories for Low Black Americans Swimming Rates
  1. Propagation of incorrect scientific theories such as black people being much less buoyant
  2. Historic factors going as far back as slaves not being allowed to learn to swim
  3. Denial of access to pools in 1920s and 30s causing ripple effect to present day
  4. Lack of municipal pools in predominantly black neighbourhoods in 1960s onwards
  5. Perception of swimming as elitist or "white" sport
  6. Parents are not teaching their children to swim because they do not know how to swim themselves.


  1. Yeah Michal and Levi!!! So very proud of you both on learning how to swim at such a very young age. Good for you Levi for not allowing your fears to stop you from learning this is a lifelong skill. Michal thats also great to hear you'll continue your lessons in the fall. You two are pretty awesome...great post!!!!

  2. Great job Levi & Michal, I'm so proud of you two. I'm so looking foward to taking you guys to the pool!
