Friday, May 11, 2012

10 Most Expensive Public Medical Schools for In-State Students

Below is a table of the 10 most expensive public medical schools for first year, in-state students, based on tuition and required fees. The cost does not include room and board, books, and other miscellaneous costs:
Medical school (name)In-state tuition & fees (2011-2012)U.S. Newsresearch rankU.S. Newsprimary care rank
University of Pittsburgh$44,2071518
University of Virginia$44,0282519
University of Minnesota$40,317398
University of California—Davis$38,0204224
Oregon Health and Science University$37,282373
Medical University of South Carolina$37,2245749
Michigan State University (College of Osteopathic Medicine)$36,798RNP*17
University of Illinois$36.7586277
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey—New Brunswick (Johnson)$36,61080RNP
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey—Stratford$36,210RNPRNP
*RNP denotes an institution that is ranked in the bottom one fourth of its rankings category. U.S. News calculates a rank for the school but has decided not to publish it.

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