Sunday, March 25, 2012

Top 5 Reasons to Be on a Sports Team

1. Physical activity: It is crucial to get active in any way possible. No matter what sport you play, you are using every muscle in your body along with your brain. Nailing a jump shot in basketball tones your calf muscles. Deciding what play to carry out in football works your critical thinking skills. Even just getting up and throwing a ball around will help you feel stronger, happier, and healthier. 

2. Cooperation: One main part of a sport is team effort. Every decision builds your character whether it's passing the ball to your friend to score the winning shot or blocking an opponent so your teammate can run the ball. Being able to work with others is a necessary skill to have in the workforce, and sports show you how. 
3. Leadership: Each sport team needs a leader they can follow. They need someone they can look up to, who can provide guidance to each individual so they can reach victory. Sports help mold those who are shy into confident leaders. Even if you're not captain of a team, you will be given countless numbers of opportunity to show your confidence on and off the field.
4. Sportsmanship: Being involved in a sport is not all fun and games. Sometimes you will lose and sometimes you will get hurt. But it is the way you react to your opponents that show who the true winner is. Being able to deal with defeat will come from playing sports, and will help you in the long run.
5. Friendships: When you join a sports team, you instantly have something in common with each of your teammates. You'll be working towards a common goal. When you work hard and play hard with these people, you are instantly joined in a friendship you will have for the rest of your life. You will receive a genuine support team who can help you with all your problems, along with a group of excitement after your first win. Your teammates will become your second family, and you will instantly have people you can trust around you each day.

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