Sunday, March 11, 2012

Georgia Tech K.I.D.S Club

Israelite PRIDE Members visited Georgia Tech ( University) this weekend along with young Israelite brethren who participated in the Kids Interested in Discovering Science (K.I.D.S) Club at the university. The children were exposed to fun activities that were desinged to foster interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts.

Below are summations of our childrens' experience:


In the beginning I got to watch a videa about rockets and then I made one! I learned that rockets must have a straight tip to fly into the sky. If the tip is not straight the rocket will crash and explode.

In the middle of the program we made DNA bracelets. I learned that everybody has their own DNA code,except identical twins who share a similar DNA code.

At the end I got to make a boat and we had a boat contest to see which boat could hold the most weight. Air was important to keep the boat afloat. My boat won the contest! I thought it was fun and I had a good time doing the activities. I want to be an engineer when I grow up!


My day at the University was great! I took 3 classes on different subjects like science,technology and sound. I got to do really cool things, like creating a lava lamp. I learned about homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures and then created the lava lamp. My lamp was bright red so that it could be easily seen.

My second class was on technology. I made a DC motor that was quite difficult for me, but I worked hard to complete it. I also learned about sound waves by playing the electric guitar and the violin. Georgia Tech University is a great school. I had a lot of fun there. They have a great staff and a good program.

Check out the "Rocket Experiment" video on YouTube:

Interested in Attendng Georgia Tech?

Georgia Tech is one of the nation's top research universities, distinguished by its commitment to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology. Georgia Tech's campus occupies 400 acres in the heart of the city of Atlanta, where 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students receive a focused, technologically based education.


  1. Wow! Thats awesome! Israelite PRIDE is on the move...good job guys! Our future sure looks bright.

  2. I absolutely enjoyed reading the comments from Levi and Jeremiah. Its amazing what exposure for just a quick look and see, can do for children. Thank you for sharing Levi and Jeremah. Go mommies!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It is so good to expose our children to a wide range of expereinces to help guide them to a career that they feel passionate about and will be in demand in the future. Way to go Donna...keep keeping us posted, iPRIDE loves it!

  4. Wonderful job Jay & Lee, Lee, I'm so proud of you - it was such a delight to experience your excitement and enthusiasm about what little Deborah calls "going to college". Thanks Donna/Stephanie - you girls are doing a fabulous job - if you want to know how you're doing as a parent "look at your children", they'll tell you how!!!
