Monday, July 15, 2013

Measuring the achievement gap (Repost from 5/11/09)

Lesson To Learn: We can Not depend on the Schools alone to Prepare our children!

There are several ways to measure the achievement gap. One common method is to compare academic performance among African-American, Hispanic, and white students on standardized assessments.
Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows that reading scores for 17-year-olds narrowed dramatically for both African-American and Hispanic students from 1975 through 1988. From 1990 to 1999, however, these gaps either remained constant or grew slightly in both reading and mathematics.
Looking at the NAEP data, the Education Trust concluded that, “By the time [minority students] reach grade 12, if they do so at all, minority students are about four years behind other young people. Indeed, 17 year-old African American and Latino students have skills in English, mathematics and science similar to those of 13-year-old white students.
Another way to measure the achievement gap is to compare the highest level of educational attainment for various groups. Here too there are gaps at all levels.
Hispanic and African-American high school students are more likely to drop out of high school in every state. Of these high school graduates, college matriculation rates for African-American and Hispanic high-school students remain below those of white high-school graduates – although they have risen in recent years. Furthermore, of those students enrolling in college, Hispanic and black young adults are only half as likely to earn a college degree as white students."
These differences in college enrollment mirror differences in courses taken and student academic preparation. According to a recent U.S. Department of Education study, in 1992 only 47% of African-American and 53% of Latino high school graduates were academically qualified for college – compared to 68% of white students.

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